The first challenge of this week’s message was to consider God’s promise to bring His power in a fresh new way as we are willing to go from "me”to “we” in our thinking.
So no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I'm bankrupt without love.
1 Corinthians 13:3b (MSG)
1. What was the size of the family you grew up in? What is a word that pops into your mind that describes your family?
2. What is the name of a friend (other than spouse or parent) that made you better when you were together with them?
3. When it comes to community what kind of animal would you describe yourself as kind of being like and why? (turtle, snail, teddy bear, scorpion, rabbit, clown fish (nemo), elephant, other?)
4. What is a fear or comfort zone you think you might feel most challenged to overcome, as you consider stepping in closer and deeper in community? What is “just one step” the Lord might be asking you to take?
5. Is there one thing we can be praying with you about this week?