
HFTW Español
Cada Miercoles
6:30 PM - HFTW Chapel
Está reunión estará completamente en español, con alabanza, predicación y ministración...

Negativity Fast
Positivity Feast
Mar. 5th - Apr. 17th
All campuses
40 days of fasting negativity and feasting on positivity! One email a day, to ignite your hope and renew your mind, through the season of Lent!

Churches United For Revival
Sun, Mar. 30th
6:00 PM - Valley Campus
In the midst of challenging times, we come together as a united body of believers to pray, worship, and seek God's peace and healing.

School of Missions and Ministry (SMM)
Spring Trimester
Enrollment will open soon
We’ve just wrapped up another incredible trimester of our School

Huatabampo Mission Trip
Apr. 3rd - 7th
Huatabampo, MX.
We are going to Huatabampo again. Join us for this exciting mission trip.

First Fridays
Fri. Apr. 4th
Youth Building
Hey college students and 20-somethings! Are you looking for a place
to connect?

Easter Baptisms
Sun, Apr. 20th
Valley Campus
Baptism is a faith event where believers decide to turn from their sin and follow Jesus Christ.

Easter Weekend
Apr. 18th-20th
All Campuses
We are so excited to celebrate Easter 2025! Our Easter schedule includes a Good Friday Communion Service on Friday...

Honduras Mission Trip
Jul. 9th-15th
We'll partner with the amazing work the Lord is doing in Honduras