Dale Walker

Join us for Church Online
Dear Church Family:
Sadly, we must cancel our “in person” services for Sunday January 24th. We will have our online services as always at both 9:30 and 11:30 AM.
In the past week, a few of our staff persons have tested positive for Covid. They are self-isolating and thankfully recovering well. In an effort to err on the side of caution we are awaiting tests for the remainder of our staff members before opening our doors to the public again.
We will continue our 21 days of prayer as well as this week’s Heaven Come service online only through “Facebook live” and Zoom.
We would appreciate you passing the word on to others who might have planned to come to church tomorrow.
I’m so thankful for your kindness and understanding as we do our best to navigate through this pandemic. The picture that came to mind is that as a ship goes through rough waters we must pause and adjust along the way. What we do know is that we are going to get to the other side. Jesus has promised us the victory!
Check our website (hftw.church) or our Facebook page later in the week as we will post our reopening plans.
Dale Walker
Senior Pastor
Heart for the World Church